Friday, November 30, 2012

Movie review: Anna Karenina |

Anna Karenina

3? stars out of 5

Starring: Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Directed by: Joe Wright

Running time: 130 minutes

Parental guidance: Adult themes



There are moments in Joe Wright?s exquisitely artificial remounting of Anna Karenina when Keira Knightley stares at the camera in passionate close-up and we are invited to drink her in: the lush pout, the soft sculpt of her chin, the promise of her bare shoulders, the yearning in her eyes. It?s a face men might ruin lives for.

But that?s not all there is to Knightley. The actress, who has served as a kind of muse to Wright (Atonement, Pride and Prejudice) also arrives with a slouch and a crooked smile: It?s a face men with ruined lives might also have second thoughts about.

And so it is with Anna, a married woman in Leo Tolstoy?s vast love story who surrenders to forbidden desires and lives to regret them. It has been turned into a film that seems to be afraid of its passions and therefore mounts them behind glass: Anna Karenina is filmed as if it was a play into which we have been invited backstage to see the hidden workings of its artifice. Screenwriter Tom Stoppard may be commenting on the theatre of Imperial Russia ? filmed with sumptuous glitter, flickering lamps and embroidered excess ? or the theatre of desire itself. ?Love,? an older woman says to Anna on a train (a toy, chugging through an artificial field of snow). ?Is it love?? Anna asks. ?Always,? the woman says.

Anna is married to cold and proper bureaucrat Alexei Karenin (Jude Law, hiding behind a goatee and receding hairline) in St. Petersburg, but goes off to Moscow to attend to the adultery afflicting her sister Dolly (Kelly Macdonald). In Moscow, she comes under the spell of the dashing cavalry officer Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who seems hardly less prissy than Karenin), and they become the scandal of the steppes.

?Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,? Tolstoy wrote, and the film applies the principle to love affairs. Vronsky and Anna ? she in a black dress ? fall in love while dancing, a trope so familiar that Wright turns it into a piece of framed performance, with Vronsky and Anna sweeping across a floor of aristocrats frozen into a tableau of formalized privilege. Wright extends the choreography to other key events: A horse race rushes across the stage of a theatre; government workers raise and lower their arms together to stamp documents.

The formalized structure works only if we feel the proscenium burned away by the heat of attraction. But unlike the melodrama of the 1935 version with Greta Garbo, which was designed to melt your heart, this version runs cool. Knightley is at once regal and gawky ? you half expect her to raise the hem of one of her lush dresses and kick a soccer ball ? and Taylor-Johnson seems half-formed and callow. ?Oh, to be young again,? Anna says. ?Shrouded by that blue mist.? But the mist seems too ephemeral to be real.

Anna and Vronsky are meant to be a contrast to Anna?s brother Oblonsky (Matthew Macfadyen), who wears his adultery lightly and complains that in a long marriage ?you find yourself a martyr to distraction.? His unfaithfulness is shallow and selfish but at least he seems to be enjoying life.

Anna Karenina is a tragic story about breaking the rules and the lavish punishments ? cut dead at the opera, disapproved by society ? that result. Wright has turned it into a rich operetta of unhappiness, tinged with hints of social commentary. We barely see the underclasses, and the Russian Revolution was still almost 40 years away, but there?s a proto-socialist hero in the wings.

He is a farmer named Levin (Domhnall Gleeson) who falls in love with Kitty (Alicia Vikander), the woman who lost Vronsky to Anna, and rescues her into a life of propriety and marital happiness. Levin works shoulder to shoulder with his farm workers, scything the crops with the kind of devotion that, decades later, Soviets would put on their propaganda posters. Levin is the future. Anna, alas, is the past.


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Ronda Rousey: ?I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight?

UFC/Strikeforce women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey appeared on Jim Rome's show on Wednesday. What does the champion use as her training secret? Does she have high-level training methods not available to amateur athletes and workout warriors?

Nope. She likes to have as much sex as possible before fights. Though Mick advised Rocky that women weaken the legs, Rousey believes it has the opposite effect on women.

"For girls it raises your testosterone, so I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight actually. Not with like everybody, I don't put out like a Craigslist ads or anything, but if I got a steady I'm going to be like, 'Yo, fight time's coming up,'" Rousey said.

It clearly works for her. Rousey has steamrolled every opponent she has faced on her way to the championship and a 6-0 record. She's won every fight with a first-round submission, and she recently was named the first woman in the UFC. Though her opponent and the date for her first UFC fight are currently unknown, UFC president Dana White said her bout will be a main event on a pay-per-view.

Rousey is also a two-time Olympian, and she won a bronze medal for judo in 2008. It was a fight before the Beijing Olympics that made her think she could be successful in the cage.

"Yes. I got in a fight with a couple of guys at the end of 2007 in a movie theater. It was four couples so four guys and one girl tried to get into it. And I had two friends with me. But I was only really handling two guys by myself. They sued me for assault because it didn't really go too well for them. I guess if you lose a fight in Santa Monica the next option is to sue. Everyone in the theater was cheering for me. I was thinking I might have a future in this. It was before the whole MMA thing."


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why did Obama invite Romney to lunch?

President Barack Obama is having Mitt Romney over for lunch on Thursday, and their meeting is already generating a lot of buzz. Here are five theories about the White House?s motives.

cspandebateObama and Romney were bitter rivals in the 2012 presidential campaign, with Obama getting a surprisingly big victory in the Electoral College.

Since then, Romney has stayed out of the spotlight, while Obama said he would invite Romney to the White House at some point.

The pair will have a private meeting for lunch, so there will be no press coverage or a photo opportunity.

So here are five theories that are floating around about the get-together.

1. Obama is extending a common courtesy

In 2008, President-elect Obama met with John McCain on November 17 in Chicago, and there was a photo op with the two men. McCain had lost to Obama, but he was still a U.S. senator.

At the time, McCain said he would ?obviously? help the incoming president, and the former foes issued a statement about bipartisanship.

Conditions are different in 2012, with Romney not holding a Senate position and Obama sitting in office as the incumbent.

We?re also not sure that there is a tradition of losing presidential candidates meeting with incumbent presidents.

The protocol for current presidents meeting with former presidents is entirely different.

You can read excerpts from a book called ?The President?s Club? for a look at how presidents interact.

2. Obama will offer Romney a Cabinet job

That doesn?t seem likely, since Romney is self-supporting financially and has a life outside politics, with 18 grandchildren.

If a job were forthcoming in the new Obama Cabinet, it would have to be approved by the U.S. Senate, with a majority vote.

Since the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, that could get interesting.

Also, as a Cabinet member, Romney would be reporting to Obama, which also would be interesting, given the mutual dislike between the candidates on the campaign trail.

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3. Obama will enlist Romney in the fiscal cliff debate

One issue where the candidates disagreed sharply on the campaign trail was on the fiscal cliff debate.

Romney was not in favor of raising taxes on higher income earners, because he believed it stunted the growth of business and hurt its ability to create jobs.

Obama was critical of Romney?s philosophy about the fiscal cliff, especially his attacks on entitlement spending.

However, one of Romney?s ideas on the campaign trail, a cap of income tax deductions for wealthier Americans, might become part of the negotiations in Congress in December.

Obama had floated out a similar plan in the past, but just after the election, Senate Democrats attached Romney?s name to it, as a way to get the Republicans to discuss it.

?Let?s just say there?s a renewed interest,? said Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota and chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, as reported in The New York Times on November 13. ?Part of it is people reflecting on Obama?s proposal, but when Romney said what he said, it just added fuel.?

4. Obama wants Romney?s advice on business issues

That?s also a distinct possibility, since President Obama praised Romney?s business acumen after the campaign.

?He presented some ideas during the course of the campaign that I actually agree with. And so it?d be interesting to talk to him about something like that. There may be ideas that he has with respect to jobs and growth that can help middle-class families that I want to hear,? Obama said.

Of course, President Obama has scores of business advisers already, including friends in the private sector.

5. Obama wants closure on the 2012 presidential election, or something else?

President Obama said after the election that he was interested in talking with Romney about ways the two men could work together.

He used similar words about John McCain in 2008, after Obama easily defeated the Republican candidate. That didn?t come to pass.

One theory is that Obama could just want to be consistent in how he publicly handles his consecutive wins in 2008 and 2012, and it would be a slight to Romney if he didn?t extend a similar invitation for a sit-down meeting.

But in an editorial in Wednesday?s Washington Post, former Romney strategist Stuart Stevens paints a portrait of Romney as a good man who is a Washington outsider, who was never accepted by the GOP establishment.

?I appreciate that Mitt Romney was never a favorite of D.C.?s Green Room crowd or, frankly, of many politicians. That?s why, a year ago, so few of those people thought he would win the nomination,? Stevens said.

Given that some key Republican leaders criticized Romney for his post-election comments about Obama using ?gifts? to win the election, could Obama approach Romney about some kind of position related to bipartisanship or public service?

As odd as the idea sounds, Romney has made it clear he?s done running for public office, but has no plans to retire.

An Associated Press story earlier this month cited a Romney insider as saying the former candidate had an interest in philanthropic efforts or having a role in future Olympics efforts.

Scott Bomboy is the editor-in-chief of the National Constitution Center.

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Suicide bomber wounds prominent Pakistani militant

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) ? A suicide bomber on Thursday attacked a prominent Pakistani militant commander in the country's northwest who is believed to have a nonaggression pact with the army, wounding him and killing seven people, officials said.

A few hours later, a U.S. drone fired a pair of missiles at a house several kilometers (miles) from the bombing site, killing three suspected militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said.

The suicide bomber attacked Maulvi Nazir in Wana, the main town in the South Waziristan tribal area, as he was arriving at an office he uses to meet with locals and hear their complaints, said the commander's spokesman, Maulana Ameer Nawaz. Nazir was not critically wounded, said Nawaz.

Nazir was one of over a dozen people wounded in the attack, said Pakistani intelligence officials and a local government administrator, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. They initially reported that three people died, but later raised the number to seven after some of the critically injured died of their wounds.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but suspicion is likely to fall on the Pakistani Taliban, which has been waging a bloody insurgency against the government for the past several years and has jockeyed with Nazir for power in South Waziristan.

The tribal area was the Pakistani Taliban's main sanctuary until the army launched a large ground offensive in 2009 and pushed many of them out.

Nazir is widely believed to have cut a deal with the army ahead of the offensive that allowed him to stay in South Waziristan as long as he remained on the sidelines. The militant commander has in the past focused his fight against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, not against the Pakistani state.

Nazir had been running a secret campaign in recent weeks to push the Pakistani Taliban and foreign militants allied with them out of Wana and the surrounding areas, said intelligence officials.

Nawaz, the militant commander's spokesman, said the suicide bomber who attacked Nazir appeared to be a 15- or 16-year-old boy.

"The moment the chief got out of his vehicle, the boy ran toward him and detonated his explosives," Nawaz told The Associated Press by telephone.

Yar Mohammad, a resident of Wana who witnessed the attack, said the blast was huge.

"I'm seeing smoke everywhere," he said.

Nazir's fighters retaliated after the attack by killing two Pakistani Taliban militants in the main market in Wana, said intelligence officials. There were also reports of Nazir's fighters attacking Pakistani Taliban militants in the nearby village of Kari Kot, they said.

The house that was hit by a U.S. missile strike later Thursday was located in Sheen Warsak, another village near Wana, said intelligence officials. The identities of the suspected militants who were killed were not clear, said the officials.

The U.S. does not normally comment publicly about CIA drone attacks in Pakistan, but American officials have privately said that the strikes have killed senior Taliban and al-Qaida leaders and are a key counterterrorism tool.


Associated Press Rasool Dawar contributed to this report from Peshawar, Pakistan.


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Donna Ryder from Newport, Co. Mayo, is a Sports Scholarship student at IT Sligo and is currently ranked the no 1 racquetball player in Europe. She was conferred with a Bachelor of Business in Recreation and Leisure at the 2012 IT Sligo Conferring.
Mayo graduates were among more than 1,800 graduates conferred at IT Sligo at its annual Conferring Ceremonies last week. President of IT Sligo, Professor Terri Scott, said encouraged the graduates to be entrepreneurial in their outlook.
She quoted the President of the USA Barak Obama who said that ?focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it?s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realise your true potential.?


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Graphene/nanotube hybrid makes single-surface material for energy storage, electronics

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? A seamless graphene/nanotube hybrid created at Rice University may be the best electrode interface material possible for many energy storage and electronics applications.

Led by Rice chemist James Tour, researchers have successfully grown forests of carbon nanotubes that rise quickly from sheets of graphene to astounding lengths of up to 120 microns, according to a paper published November 27 by Nature Communications. A house on an average plot with the same aspect ratio would rise into space.

That translates into a massive amount of surface area, the key factor in making things like energy-storing supercapacitors.

The Rice hybrid combines two-dimensional graphene, which is a sheet of carbon one atom thick, and nanotubes into a seamless three-dimensional structure. The bonds between them are covalent, which means adjacent carbon atoms share electrons in a highly stable configuration. The nanotubes aren't merely sitting on the graphene sheet; they become a part of it.

"Many people have tried to attach nanotubes to a metal electrode and it's never gone very well because they get a little electronic barrier right at the interface," Tour said. "By growing graphene on metal (in this case copper) and then growing nanotubes from the graphene, the electrical contact between the nanotubes and the metal electrode is ohmic. That means electrons see no difference, because it's all one seamless material.

"This gives us, effectively, a very high surface area of more than 2,000 square meters per gram of material. It's a huge number," said Tour, Rice's T.T. and W.F. Chao Chair in Chemistry as well as a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science and of computer science and a co-author with former postdoctoral researcher and lead author Yu Zhu, now an assistant professor at the University of Akron.

Tour said proof of the material's hybrid nature lies in the seven-membered rings at the transition from graphene to nanotube, a structure predicted by theory for such a material and now confirmed through electron microscope images with subnanometer resolution.

Carbon has no peer as a conductive material in such a thin and robust form, especially in the form of graphene or certain types of nanotubes. Combining the two appears to offer great potential for electronic components like fast supercapacitors that, because of the massive surface area, may hold a great deal of energy in a tiny package.

Rice chemist Robert Hauge and his team made the first steps toward such a hybrid over the past decade. Hauge, a distinguished faculty fellow in chemistry at Rice and co-author of the new work, discovered a way to make densely packed carpets of nanotubes on a carbon substrate by suspending catalyst-laced flakes in a furnace. When heated, the catalyst built carbon nanotubes like skyscrapers, starting at the substrate and working their way up. In the process, they lifted the aluminum oxide buffer into the air. The whole thing looked like a kite with many strings and was dubbed an odako, like the giant Japanese kites.

In the new work, the team grew a specialized odako that retained the iron catalyst and aluminum oxide buffer but put them on top of a layer of graphene grown separately on a copper substrate. The copper stayed to serve as an excellent current collector for the three-dimensional hybrids that were grown within minutes to controllable lengths of up to 120 microns.

Electron microscope images showed the one-, two- and three-walled nanotubes firmly embedded in the graphene, and electrical testing showed no resistance to the flow of current at the junction.

"The performance we see in this study is as good as the best carbon-based supercapacitors that have ever been made," Tour said. "We're not really a supercapacitor lab, and still we were able to match the performance because of the quality of the electrode. It's really remarkable, and it all harkens back to that unique interface."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rice University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Yu Zhu, Lei Li, Chenguang Zhang, Gilberto Casillas, Zhengzong Sun, Zheng Yan, Gedeng Ruan, Zhiwei Peng, Abdul-Rahman O. Raji, Carter Kittrell, Robert H. Hauge, James M. Tour. A seamless three-dimensional carbon nanotube graphene hybrid material. Nature Communications, 2012; 3: 1225 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2234

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Presentation: Tyrannosaurs of New Mexico

Until recently tyrannosaurs were known only by Tyrannosaurus rex and a few closely related species, all from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Asia. Within the last decade the number of tyrannosaur species has grown to more than 20 and range back to the Middle Jurassic. They are now among the most intensely studied dinosaurs. These specimens have led to a much greater understanding of dinosaur evolution, anatomy, and other aspects of their biology including growth dynamics, population structure, feeding, locomotion, and biogeography. New Mexico was home to at least two tyrannosaurs, Tyrannosaurus and Bistahieversor (aka, the Bisti Beast)?a recently discovered skull and partial skeleton that represents the most complete tyrannosaur ever found in New Mexico.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jeb Bush's record in education reform gets 2nd look

Steve Cannon / AP file

Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush looks at a chart showing Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test results in Tallahassee on May 10, 2004.

By Stephanie SimonReuters

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush soared to rock star status in the education world on the strength of a chart.

A simple graph, it tracked fourth-grade reading scores. In 1998, when Bush was elected governor, Florida kids scored far below the national average. By the end of his second term, in 2007, they were far ahead, with especially impressive gains for low-income and minority students.

Those results earned Bush bipartisan acclaim. As he convenes a star-studded policy summit this week in Washington, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential education reformers in the U.S. Elements of his agenda have been adopted in 36 states, from Maine to Mississippi, North Carolina to New Mexico.

Many of his admirers cite Bush's success in Florida as reason enough to get behind him.

But a close examination raises questions about the depth and durability of the gains in Florida. After the dramatic jump of the Bush years, Florida test scores edged up in 2009 and then dropped, with low-income students falling further behind. State data shows huge numbers of high school graduates still needing remedial help in math and reading.

And some of the policies Bush now pushes, such as vouchers and mandatory online classes, have no clear links to the test-score bump in Florida. Bush has been particularly vigorous about promoting online education, urging states to adopt policies written with input from companies that stand to profit from expanded cyber-schooling.

Many of those companies also donate to Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education, which has raised $19 million in recent years to promote his agenda nationwide.

Sherman Dorn, a professor of education at the University of South Florida, says some of Bush's policies as governor, such as an intense focus on teaching reading, made a real difference to Florida students.

?"It's pretty clear Governor Bush should get credit for giving a damn," he said. But by teaming with for-profit corporations to push cyber-schools, which have produced dismally low test scores in many states, Bush is "throwing away whatever credibility he had coming out of Florida," Dorn said.

Bush's allies disagree. For them, the former governor -- widely considered a top contender for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination -- is a visionary striving to build on his record of success.

"I've been very impressed with the thoughtfulness of his policies," said Joel Klein, who ran New York City schools for eight years and now heads News Corp's education division, Amplify, which donates to the Bush foundation.

Klein and officials at several other education companies that support Bush's foundation say they do so not for their own financial interest but to promote a broad policy debate.

Any implication "that corporate donors give to us for us to advance their agenda" is simply false, said Patricia Levesque, the foundation's executive director.

The Florida formula
Bush, who declined to comment for this story, says often that he has one abiding goal: to give all students the chance to reach their "God-given potential."

His "Florida formula" rests on the principles of increasing accountability and expanding parental choice. Among its tenets:

* Grade schools on an A-to-F scale, based mostly on student scores and growth on standardized tests. Give students in poorly ranked schools vouchers to attend private and religious schools.

* Hold back 8-year-olds who can't pass a state reading test rather than promote them to fourth grade.

* Expand access to online classes and charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately managed, sometimes for profit.

In Florida, Bush paired his tough-love measures with generous support. Schools that improved their grade or got an "A" received extra funding. Teachers got bonuses for successes like getting more kids to pass Advanced Placement tests. And students required to repeat third grade got intensive help at free summer reading camps.

States adopting the policies now, in a time of austerity, tend to leave out the costly support systems. That has stirred protests from school superintendents, school board members, teachers unions and parents who see the policies as punitive, humiliating and too narrowly focused on a single test as a measure of success.

Voters have spoken loudly, too. In this month's election, overwhelmingly Republican electorates overturned Bush-style reforms in Idaho and South Dakota and ousted the Indiana state schools chief, who had enacted much of the Florida formula.

In Florida, meanwhile, the durability of the Bush-era gains has come into question.

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High school graduation rates rose during Bush's tenure but remain substantially lower than in other large and diverse states, including California, New York and Ohio, according to new federal data. Students' average score on the ACT college entrance exam has not improved and remains well below states such as Missouri and Ohio, where a comparable percentage of students take the test.

Florida's scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, widely considered the most reliable metric, dropped on all four key tests last year -- ?fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math. On all four tests, low-income students fell further behind their wealthier peers.

Jaryn Emhof, a spokeswoman for the Bush foundation, said the slipping scores are an indication that "schools were getting complacent" and need to be pushed with higher standards.

Opponents contend Bush's reforms never deserved much credit for the gains in the first place.

Other factors were at play, they argue. Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment to limit class size in 2002, for instance. And Bush's tenure coincided with soaring property tax receipts, thanks to the housing boom, which led to more local funding for schools. Per-pupil spending in Florida jumped 22 percent from 2001 to 2007, after accounting for inflation. It has since fallen sharply.

"There's this single-minded notion that only the program has supported yield improvements," said Ruth Melton, director of legislative relations for the Florida School Boards Association. "There's more to this than meets the eye."

Some recent research has cast doubt on the long-term effectiveness of the Bush policies.

A Harvard education research group reported this summer that Florida students who were held back in third grade notched a big boost in test scores initially, but the effects faded to insignificance before they entered high school. And annual studies commissioned by the state have found no evidence that low-income students who receive vouchers to attend private schools do any better at reading or math than their peers.

As for Florida's charter schools, a recent report found their students consistently outscore kids in traditional schools on state tests. The charters, however, serve fewer poor and special-needs students and fewer students still learning English.

Meanwhile, researchers have found that other states, such as Massachusetts, have boosted achievement without Florida-style reforms, using more old-fashioned remedies such as increasing spending and imposing rigorous curricular standards.

After an exhaustive study of state-by-state academic gains, the Harvard researchers concluded in a July report that "the connection between reforms and gains ... thus far is only anecdotal, not definitive."

Emhof, the Bush foundation spokeswoman, said that while "there is no silver bullet" to improve schools, the Florida formula "is the path with the most proven results." The state's size and diversity mean "if something works in Florida, it can work anywhere," she said.

Meet and greet
Indeed, the Bush foundation touts the Florida test gains as "perhaps the greatest public policy success story of the past decade" and aggressively presses its formula on other states.

Hundreds of emails obtained under a public records request by the nonprofit advocacy group In the Public Interest, which opposes privatization of schools, show the foundation working closely with allies in Maine, New Mexico, Florida and elsewhere to craft public policy.

Foundation employees write legislation and edit proposed bills line by line, then send in experts to testify on their behalf, the emails show.

The Bush foundation also funds trips and events to introduce Bush's donors to policy makers. At last year's national summit in San Francisco, the foundation set aside two hours for several state superintendents of education, dubbed "Chiefs for Change," to meet the foundation's sponsors.

In an email forwarded to Executive Director Levesque, an official from Apple Inc. also requested access to the chiefs to tout the company's products.

"This is a great opportunity. ... But there are a dozen other companies that want access," Levesque responded. She couldn't accommodate Apple, she wrote, unless the chiefs first found time to meet with "all the other companies including those actually funding" the Chiefs for Change network.

Apple declined to comment.

Bush foundation donors include family philanthropies, such as those established by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Corporate donors include Connections Education, a division of global publishing giant Pearson; Amplify, the education division of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.; and K12, a publicly traded company that runs online schools.

Many of these donors sit on a Digital Learning Council that helped draft the Bush foundation's policy agenda. Key planks call for states to require online course work in high school and to lift restrictions that hinder cyber-school growth, such as limits on class size.

Studies in several states including Pennsylvania and Colorado have found that online students fare far worse than their peers in reading and math. Bush has said bad programs should be shut down, but he believes online schools have great potential to offer personalized, self-paced education.

"This is not about our commercial success," said Sari Factor, chief executive officer of E2020 Inc., which develops online curricula and recently signed up as a foundation sponsor. "We're focused on what's right for kids."

Still, Factor acknowledged that E2020 has "absolutely" benefited from Bush's advocacy.

In particular, Bush often talks up an Arizona charter school called Carpe Diem, which uses the E2020 online curriculum, employing just four teachers for 225 students because the kids do so much work online. Bush has flown policy makers from across the country to admire the school's innovation and cost cutting. That has brought more clients to E2020, Factor said.

Arizona data shows Carpe Diem test scores have fallen sharply over the past two years, a drop founder Rick Ogston attributes to a new curriculum and the sudden death of the principal.

That has not slowed its momentum; after visiting Carpe Diem on a trip paid for by the Bush foundation, Indiana officials urged Ogston to apply to open a branch there. The head of the state charter school board, Claire Fiddian-Green, says the school's "fairly strong track record" impressed her despite the recent slip in test scores. The new Carpe Diem campus in Indianapolis opened this fall.

Ogston said he and other charter and online school operators count on Bush's foundation to remove obstacles to their growth, such as state laws that require students to put in time in a physical classroom.

"We come to them to say, 'These policies are in the way, and it would be great if you could change them,'" Ogston said. "That's what they do better than anyone."?

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Tips For Drinking Responsibly - Pour Me A Shot

  1. Be aware of your limit.
  2. Sip your beverage.
  3. Eat food when you drink. It?s specifically best to eat high protein foods for example cheese and peanuts, that will help to slow the absorption of alcoholic beverages into the circulatory system.
  4. Cultivate taste. Decide on quality instead of quantity. Educate yourself on the names of fine wines, whiskeys, and beers. Find out what beverage complements what dishes.
  5. Take a drink only if you want one. If someone is attempting to force another drink on you, request ice or perhaps drink a non-alcoholic drink.
  6. Watch out for unfamiliar drinks. Like cocktails such as Hurricanes and various fruit and rum drinks are generally misleading, because the alcohol isn?t necessarily noticeable, plus its hard to space them out.
  7. Pass up a drink occasionally. When at a social gathering, enjoy a nonalcoholic beverage between your alcoholic one to keep your blood alcohol concentration down. Space your alcoholic drinks out to maintain your desired blood alcohol concentration.
  8. When drinking out, in the event you must drive home, have your cocktails with a meal, never afterwards. This will give time for the alcohol to be burned up as well as for it to be absorbed little by little into the circulatory system.
  9. Specify a designated driver. Have somebody accessible who?ll not be drinking and can drive all drinkers home. This is certainly crucial in the event the individual has consumed more than one drink an hour.
  10. Make sure that drinking enhances social relationships instead of impairs them. Provide alcohol as an adjunct to an activity instead of as the principal focus.
  11. Use alcohol cautiously in connection with other medications.Including over-the-counter medications for instance sleep aids as well as cold or cough medications. Alcohol consumption should be avoided whilst taking specific antibiotics, arthritic, anti-depressant, and some other prescription drugs. Seek advice from your personal doctor or even your local pharmacy before you decide to drink while on any prescription medication.
  12. Respect the rights of people who don?t want to drink. It?s regarded as rude or obnoxious to try to get individuals to drink who don?t want to. They might refrain for faith based or health-related reasons, because they are recovering alcoholics, or even they simply might not like the taste plus the effect it has upon them.
  13. Refrain from drinking mixed drinks before eating anything on a hot day. This could result in hypoglycemia, which could lead to lightheaded, some weakness, and also mood change.
  14. Knowing that you may have to operate a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages, restrict your intake to a maximum of one drink an hour.

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  1. Main Squeeze Drinking Game
  2. Halloween Shot Drinks


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Do We Need To Employ A Bankruptcy Lawyer ... - About Finance

Posted by Lori Buenavista on Rating 9.0 ?Outstanding

Are you on the verge of filing for a personal bankruptcy? Wait a second! Whenever you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you must first discuss all available options with a bankruptcy lawyer just like a Seattle Bankruptcy lawyer. There are many options to be explored before one files personal bankruptcy, as well as a bankruptcy lawyer can go over the pros and cons of every option that may give you favor.

One option that an outstanding attorney such as a Seattle WA Bankruptcy Lawyer could assist you would be on how to deal with a payment plan that satisfies your creditors. A competent bankruptcy attorney like a Seattle Personal bankruptcy Attorney could work with your own creditors to develop a plan that is affordable enough to meet any budget. This will additionally keep creditors from harassing you concerning missed or late payments. Creditors shall be satisfied with most payment plans that are presented to them by a personal bankruptcy attorney, because it shows the good faith or effort that one is making an attempt to pay all their debts before resorting to bankruptcy.

In cases where an individual bankruptcy law firm could not develop a suitable plan for his or her client then he or she could advise the client about which form of personal bankruptcy would be in the client?s best interest. A competent bankruptcy attorney would handle the task of filing for the personal bankruptcy, obtaining documents to prove assets and worth and work with creditors to pay of as much debt as possible from the liquidation proceeds.

The bankruptcy attorney would obtain the paperwork needed to show how much a person?s earnings are, as well as how much would be a reasonable payment each month. Bankruptcy does not cover all types of debts, and if one is not sure where a debt is covered or where to file personal bankruptcy, then they have to consult with a bankruptcy law firm for clarification. Before filing for personal bankruptcy, one need to always consult with an individual bankruptcy law firm to ensure that there are no other alternatives available before one could pursue. Bankruptcy lawyers handle a lot, more than just personal bankruptcy scenarios; they at the same time assist in helping a client work with creditors whenever a client is hesitant concerning filing a bankruptcy.

In cases where one has filed for bankruptcy then a competent bankruptcy attorney can additionally provide advice on how one could re-establish excellent credit. There are quite a range of things that a person do to re-build their credit. Whenever one hires a competent bankruptcy attorney, he or she could possibly make certain that one has a trustee that is reliable when handling claims.

Looking to find the best deal on Seattle Bankruptcy Lawyer, then visit Boyack Law Office? site to find the best advice on Bankruptcy Lawyer Seattle WA for you.

Under Topics: Bankruptcy Lawyer Seattle, finance, Seattle Bankruptcy Attorney, Seattle WA Bankruptcy Attorney,


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Family Reunion Scrapbooks Make Heirlooms - Home - Home ...

The friends and family reunion is on! It's the most perfect opportunity to invest in scrapbooking design products throughout Millersville, MD and also preserve remembrances from a resourceful scrapbook. Dedicating the actual scrapbooking to the particular household creates an heirloom that is inherited from iteration to generation.Family not even created yet will enjoy the actual pictures and also mementos anyone include in scrapbooking design for the reason that a lot of would have been shed and also demolished gradually in any other case preserved.

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Down Memory Lane

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Calling close family and asking for a few pictures will internet everyone many fantastic photos for your family reunion design and style too.The design and style will be this type of beautiful location for featuring family photos, and for that reason additional interesting as opposed to standard photo album. First select a theme as well as carry that will topic during from beginning for you to end.In the design and style it is possible to add decorative variations surrounding the photographs along with use your shaded pens along with scrapbooking design products Millersville, MD shops advertise to help scrappers to be able to make fascinating remarks in addition to photograph identifications.

Use the actual Right Supplies

There certainly are a few guidelines to be able to ensure mafia reunion scrapbook was made to endure.Choose some sort of tough recording of good quality so it are going to be checked by simply numerous people. Other items have to be high quality also just like adhesives and also pens.

To insure you no longer wreck your photographs,check that all peel offs and also other items attached to the pics will not likely damages a person's pictures.The past matter you want to carry out will be place a new sticker on a well used spouse and children photograph and amounts adhesive simply leaves a indicate that will can not be removed. Old photos of beloved can't be replaced, and also it's tragic to see anyone accidently damaged an irreplaceable photo.

Great Gifts or Great Treasures

Scrapbooks is often fantastic presents for you to prize in the years.Each loved ones reunion may be a one of a kind occasion within this some individuals are generally blessed and some pass away involving events.The number of which records is a one-time assemblage.

If there is a family reunion approaching up, you should definitely take a look at the actual scrapbook keep associated with Millersville, MD on-line or maybe in person.You could get quite a few great thoughts from various other scrappers.Take those concepts and move all of them into first versions pertaining to your family.After all, your family can be one-of-a-kind plus original too!


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Regional leaders meet in Uganda over Congo crisis

Congolese policemen gather at the Mugunga police training center near the eastern Congolese town of Goma, Friday Nov. 23, 2012. The officers were called by M23 rebel officials to receive an ideological briefing. Platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Congolese policemen gather at the Mugunga police training center near the eastern Congolese town of Goma, Friday Nov. 23, 2012. The officers were called by M23 rebel officials to receive an ideological briefing. Platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Congolese flee the eastern Congolese town of Sake, 27-kilometers west of Goma, Friday Nov. 23 2012. Thousands fled the M23 controlled town as platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Congolese flees the eastern Congolese town of Sake , 27kms west of Goma, Friday Nov. 23 2012. Thousands fled the M23 controlled town as platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure.(AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Congolese rebels walk in the eastern Congolese town of Sake , 27kms west of Goma, Friday Nov. 23 2012. Thousands fled the M23 controlled town as platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure.(AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Congolese rebels man a toll station in the eastern Congolese town of Sake , 27kms west of Goma, Friday Nov. 23 2012. Thousands fled the M23 controlled town as platoons of rebels were making their way across the hills from Sake to the next major town of Minova, where the Congolese army was believed to be regrouping. The militants seeking to overthrow the government vowed to push forward despite mounting international pressure.(AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

(AP) ? Regional leaders met in Uganda Saturday in the latest summit intended to find a solution to the crisis in eastern Congo as the M23 rebel group takes territory from the army and threatens to topple President Joseph Kabila's government.

Uganda, whose leader is acting as a mediator, has had its credibility tarnished by revelations in a U.N. report that some of its military officials actively support M23 rebels, who this week took control of the provincial capital Goma as well as the city of Sake in Congo's east. Rwanda is also accused of supporting the rebels. Both countries deny the charges.

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete also attended the Kampala summit, which is being held under the auspices of a regional bloc called the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, or ICGLR, of which Congo is a member.

A previous summit of the ICGLR endorsed the creation of a "neutral international force" to police eastern Congo. Tanzania has already offered to contribute some of the 4,000 troops needed, but the force's mandate is not yet clear and funding remains a problem. Ugandan diplomats said regional leaders were likely to talk in detail about the force.

Kabila was in Uganda for the talks Saturday, but Rwandan President Paul Kagame was absent. Ugandan officials said M23 representatives were not invited to the summit and denied reports that Jean-Marie Runiga, the M23's political leader, was in the country for separate negotiations with the Ugandan government.

"I have not seen them," Crispus Kiyonga, Uganda's defense minister, who held meetings with some M23 officials before Goma was captured by M23, said of the rebels. Ugandan officials say previous meetings with M23 rebels were held with the knowledge of Kabila, who at first declined to negotiate with the rebels but later changed his stance.

"This is a summit for regional leaders, not a negotiation meeting. The rebels cannot be in the summit," said Okello Oryem, Uganda's deputy minister of foreign affairs.

M23 is made up of hundreds of officers who deserted the Congolese army in April. Since then the rebels have occupied vast swaths of territory in mineral-rich eastern Congo, and their capture of Goma this week put pressure on President Joseph Kabila to negotiate with the rebels, who accuse his government of failing to honor the terms of a 2009 peace deal that incorporated them into the national army. The rebels took Goma without much of a battle, with the Congolese army fleeing in disarray and U.N. peacekeepers holding fire.

M23 leaders insist they will attempt to capture the Congolese capital of Kinshasa if Kabila does not negotiate directly with them. Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni, Congolese President Kabila and Rwanda President Kagame said in a statement Wednesday that they would not tolerate M23's talk of toppling the Kinshasa government, demanding that the rebels pull out of Goma and make a retreat. But the rebels went ahead and took Sake.

"In solidarity with the Congolese people and their counterparts, President Yoweri Museveni and President Kagame made it clear that even if there were legitimate grievances by the mutinying group known as the M23, they cannot accept expansion of this war or entertain the idea of overthrowing the legitimate government of the DRC (Congo) or undermining its authority," the presidents' statement said. "Therefore the M23 rebel group must immediately stop its offensive and pull out of Goma."

On Friday, Congo's president suspended the army chief of staff following the publication of a United Nations report which reveals that Gen. Gabriel Amisi oversaw a criminal network selling arms to rebels in the country's troubled east. The rebels also took the town of Sake.

Congo's troubled east has been plagued by decades of violence, and the latest rebellion is a reincarnation of a previous conflict. The rebel group that took Goma dubs itself the M23, a reference to the March 23, 2009 peace deal that paved the way for fighters from a now-defunct rebel group to join the army. Charging that the peace accord was not implemented, soldiers defected from the Congo army in April to form the M23. Both the M23 and the previous rebel group, known as the CNDP, are widely believed to be backed by neighboring Rwanda, which has fought two wars against its much-larger neighbor.

Associated Press


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Friday, November 23, 2012

9 more Iraq, Afghan war veterans joining Congress

FILE This Nov. 6, 2012 file photo shows Iraq war veterans Rep.-elect Tulsi Gabbard in Honolulu. Veterans groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in Congress is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline. In the mid-1970s, the vast majority of lawmakers tended to be veterans. (AP Photo/Marco Garcia, File)

FILE This Nov. 6, 2012 file photo shows Iraq war veterans Rep.-elect Tulsi Gabbard in Honolulu. Veterans groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in Congress is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline. In the mid-1970s, the vast majority of lawmakers tended to be veterans. (AP Photo/Marco Garcia, File)

FILE - This Nov. 15, 2012 file photo shows Iraq war veteran, Rep.-elect Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., who lost both legs in combat before turning to politics, arriving for a group photo on the East steps of the Capitol in Washington. Veterans groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in Congress is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline. In the mid-1970s, the vast majority of lawmakers tended to be veterans. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

(AP) ? As Tammy Duckworth sees it, her path to Congress began when she awoke in the fall of 2004 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She was missing both of her legs and faced the prospect of losing her right arm.

Months of agonizing therapy lay ahead. As the highest-ranking double amputee in the ward, Maj. Duckworth became the go-to person for soldiers complaining of substandard care and bureaucratic ambivalence.

Soon, she was pleading their cases to federal lawmakers, including her state's two U.S. senators at the time ? Democrats Dick Durbin and Barack Obama of Illinois. Obama arranged for her to testify at congressional hearings. Durbin encouraged her to run for office.

She lost her first election, but six years later gave it another try and now is one of nine veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who will serve in next year's freshman class in the of House of Representatives.

Veterans' groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline. In the mid-1970s, the vast majority of lawmakers tended to be veterans.

For example, the 95th Congress, which served in 1977-78, had more than 400 veterans among its 535 members, according to the American Legion. The number of veterans next year in Congress will come to just more than 100. Most served during the Vietnam War era. In all, 16 served in Iraq or Afghanistan, not all in a combat role.

"We're losing about a half a million veterans a year in this country," said Tom Tarantino, chief policy officer at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America. "We are not going to be in a world where a significant plurality of people spent some time in the military, so to have 16 men and women who fought in this current Congress is incredibly significant."

Tarantino said he recognizes that the 16 Iraq and Afghanistan vets have wide-ranging political views. But at the end of the day, he said, their shared experiences make it more likely they'll put political differences aside on issues like high unemployment and suicide rates among returning veterans, or in ensuring that veterans get a quality education through the post-9/11 GI bill.

Their election victories also provide a sense of assurance to veterans.

"The biggest fear we have as veterans is that the America people are going to forget us," Tarantino said. "When you have an 11-year sustained war, the fight doesn't end when you pull out."

Duckworth carries the highest profile of the incoming vets. She was co-piloting a Black Hawk helicopter in Iraq when a rocket-propelled grenade landed in her lap, ripping off one leg and crushing the other. At Walter Reed, she worried about what life as a double amputee had in store. But during her recovery, she found a new mission ? taking care of those she describes as her military brothers and sisters. That mission led her to a job as an assistant secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs during Obama's first term.

"Had I not been in combat, my life would have never taken this path. You take the path that comes in front of you," Duckworth said from a wheelchair last week as she and her fellow freshmen went through orientation at the Capitol. "For me, I try to live every day honoring the men who carried me out of that field because they could have left me behind, and they didn't."

Duckworth is one of two freshmen Democrats who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. The other is Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who served near Baghdad for a year and was a medical operations specialist. Gabbard said she hopes the two of them can be a voice for female veterans and the unique challenges they face.

About 8 percent of veterans are women. They tend to be younger on average. Nearly one in five seen by the Department of Veterans Affairs responds yes when screened for military sexual trauma.

Seven Republicans served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Most had backing from tea party supporters who share their views that the size and scope of the federal government should be curtailed.

?Ron DeSantis of Florida was a judge advocate officer in the Navy who deployed to Iraq as a legal adviser during the 2007 troop surge.

?Brad Wenstrup of Ohio was as a combat surgeon in Iraq.

?Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan served in an administrative capacity with an artillery unit in Iraq and retired after suffering a neck injury. He also served as an infantry rifleman in Vietnam.

?Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma was a combat pilot in Iraq and Afghanistan.

?Scott Perry of Pennsylvania commanded an aviation battalion in Iraq in 2009 and 2010.

?Doug Collins of Georgia was a chaplain in Iraq.

?Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a Harvard Law School graduate, was an infantry platoon leader in Iraq and then was on a reconstruction team in Afghanistan. In between, he was a platoon leader at Arlington National Cemetery.

Cotton said the reason he ran for Congress is the same one that led him to enter the Army after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"I felt we had been attacked for who we are ? the home of freedom," Cotton said. "And I worry now our liberty is threatened at home by the debt crisis we face, which in the long term will mean less prosperity and less opportunity, and therefore less liberty."

Cotton said he could easily see himself working with Duckworth and Gabbard on veteran's issues. "They've carried a heavy load and we owe them a great debt," he said.

At the same time, it's clear the freshmen veterans have clear differences of opinion over policy matters. For example, Gabbard is a strong critic of the war in Afghanistan. She says the United States needs to get out as quickly and safely as possible. Cotton opposes setting timetables for withdrawal.

"We're trying to win a counter-insurgency war where we can put a friendly, allied, stable government in place," Cotton said. "It's certainly been a long and somewhat winding road, but on the whole, America and our interests in the world are much better off for having waged the war in Afghanistan."

There also will be differences over spending priorities. Cotton is reluctant to trim spending on defense as a way to deal with the deficit.

Duckworth said certain programs need close examination, particularly in the area of government contracts. She said she "can actually stand up and talk about defense spending in a way that will be realistic without being attacked for lack of patriotism or not being strong on defense."

Associated Press


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US troops in Afghanistan celebrate Thanksgiving

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? It was Army Sgt. Keith Wells' first Thanksgiving Day away from his family and despite a cornucopia of food provided for the troops, his taste buds were craving his wife's macaroni and cheese back home.

"My wife's a foodie ? you know the Food Network, cooking shows. Everything she makes is golden," Wells of Charlotte, N.C., said Thursday at a large international military base in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

The dining hall served up mac-and-cheese along with traditional Thanksgiving Day fixings. Wells was thankful for the good food, but he still missed his wife's home-cooking.

Huge hunks of beef greeted the estimated 2,500 diners as soldiers lined up in the dining hall. Red-white-and-blue decorations filled the room. Brochures titled "Learn about combat stress" served as table centerpieces.

There was roast turkey, sliced turkey, ham and rib-eye steaks. The troops were served steaming side dishes of dressing, corn, collard greens, yams and mashed potatoes and gravy that some lapped up with spoons. For dessert, there was a massive cake with a turkey etched in icing, pumpkin spice cookies and scores of pies.

A short walk from the dining hall, service members were playing a modified version of American football.

Parts of the scene could have come from a snapshot of any U.S. city: American guys in sweats tossing the pigskin, a scoreboard, a coin toss to start the game.

But on this military base, concrete barriers surrounded the field. The referees wore camouflaged shirts and the spectators carried rifles. The artificial turf was frayed and so dusty that when one player spiked the football, a puff of dirt rose from the field.

The players used a regulation football, but the game was a mix of football, soccer and rugby to fit the short field.

Some soldiers commented about the 11-year-old war that has claimed the lives of 2,029 American service members.

Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Chuck Minton of Monroe, Ga., who has traveled extensively across Afghanistan, was optimistic. "It's been progressing here, getting better. The Afghans have taken over more missions," Minton said.

President Barack Obama pulled 10,000 troops out of Afghanistan in 2011 and 23,000 more this year, leaving about 66,000 American service members still deployed in the country. Nearly all international combat troops are to withdraw by the end of 2014 when Afghan forces will be fully in charge of securing the nation.

Army Maj. Rodney Gehrett of Colorado Springs, Colo., said he was surprised that the war was barely mentioned during the last U.S. presidential election ? evidence that some Americans had tuned out the news from the front line a half a world away.

"The war in Afghanistan wasn't even brought up as a topic of conversation" during the election, Gehrett said. "It was a little surprising to me. Hopefully, that will change and people will realize that we still have troops here and they are fighting every day."

Army Sgt. Adam Draughn of Denver, Colo., said some people back home have the impression that the Afghan people don't want American troops in their country.

"Honestly, I think the biggest misconception in my opinion is that, you know, we actually are loved here," Draughn said. "The nationals do care about us. They do want us here to help them. We're not here uninvited."

Most of the holiday chatter, however, was focused on family.

Taking a break from the game, Army Capt. Robert Mikyska of North Aurora, Ill., pulled out a photocopied photo that was taken of he and his wife just before he deployed to Afghanistan nine months ago.

"Hi, honey!" Mikyska said, looking at the picture. "In a couple weeks, I'll be home. I can't wait to be back."

"My family's here," Army Spc. Ricky Clay, also of Monroe, Ga., said as he smiled and embraced his teammates on the sidelines of the football field.


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NHL cancels games through Dec. 14, All-Star game

NEW YORK (AP) ? The NHL has called off all games through Dec. 14, plus the 2013 NHL All-Star Weekend scheduled for Jan. 26-27 in Columbus, Ohio.

The league made the announcement Friday, the 69th day of the NHL's lockout of its players.

The new cancellations come as little surprise. The two sides had an unproductive negotiating session on Wednesday that produced no movement to break an impasse over splitting more than $3 billion in revenue and also player contracts.

"We've identified what's important to players, but they seem to be so far at least unwilling to treat those concerns in a serious way," union head Donald Fehr said after the last round of talks, at which the union presented a new proposal to the league.

A total of 422 regular-season games, more than 34 percent of the season, have now been lost.

NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said losing the 2013 NHL All-Star Weekend in Columbus is "extremely disappointing."

"We feel badly for NHL fans and particularly those in Columbus, and we intend to work closely with the Blue Jackets organization to return the NHL All-Star events to Columbus and their fans as quickly as possible," Daly said in a statement Friday.

The Columbus Blue jackets, the club hosting the All-Star game and the skills competition, said fans with tickets to events on that weekend could receive refunds.


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